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Lesson Three

Continuing our discussion of EU,we should have a look at enlargement and neighbourhood policy as lesson three. we know the EU is open to any European country but with some concepts.There are some strict ed criteria for members who want to join the EU in terms of democracy,politics and economy. This might be like an exam for new members who want to be in EU, Fail or pass.However as we know the EU has started with 6 members and now 27 and some countries are waiting to join like Turkey. To date the Eu did very well and made Europe more secure in terms of economy and social life. No boarders means freedom for anyone to work and trade anywhere. Some key points of enlargement and neighbourhood policy .

  • The European Union is open to any European country that fulfils the democratic, political and economic criteria for membership.
  • Following several enlargements, the EU has increased from six to 27 members. Several other countries are candidates to join.
  • Each treaty admitting a new member requires the unanimous approval of all member states. In addition, in advance of each new enlargement, the EU will assess its capacity to absorb the new member(s) and the ability of its institutions to continue to function properly.
  • The successive enlargements have strengthened democracy, made Europe more secure and increased its potential for trade and economic growth.

To be continue
Ref.:Fontaine, P. (2006) Europe in 12 Lesson, Brussels: European commission

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