Lesson Four is about How does the EU work? we should introduce The decision-making triangle in the EU. First is The Council of the European Union (also known as the Council of Ministers) is the EU’s main decision-making body,Second is The European Parliament is the elected body that represents the EU’s citizens and finally The Commission is the third part of the institutional triangle that manages and runs the European Union. However there are some other institutions and bodies work in EU such as:The Court of Justice of the European Communities, located in Luxembourg, is made up of one judge from each EU country, assisted by eight advocates-general.The Court of AuditorsIt checks that all the European Union’s revenue has been received and all its expenditure incurred in a lawful and regular manner and that the EU budget has been managed soundly.The European Economic and Social Committee When taking decisions in a number of policy areas, the Council and Commission consult the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The Committee of the Regions the Council and Commission must consult the CoR on matters of relevance to the regions, and it may also issue opinions on its own initiative.The European Investment Bank provides loans and guarantees to help the EU’s less developed regions and to help make businesses more competitive.The European Central Bank is responsible for managing the euro and the EU’s monetary policy.
In brief we should say:
- The Council of the European Union, which represents the member states, is the EU’s main decision-taking body. When it meets at Heads of State or Government level, it becomes the European Council whose role is to provide the EU with political impetus on key issues.
- The European Parliament, which represents the people, shares legislative and budgetary power with the Council of the European Union.
- The European Commission, which represents the common interest of the EU, is the main executive body. It has the right to propose legislation and ensures that EU policies are properly implemented.
To be continue
Ref.:Fontaine, P. (2006) Europe in 12 Lesson, Brussels: European commission
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