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Lesson One

When you live in a country as a foreigner, you should know everything about that country such as culture, weather, people attitude, education system, health system. Moreover when you live in a European country you should also know the European Union. If you follow my posts(or not), I mentioned before about "European in 12 Lessons". Today i would like to write the lesson one which is "why the European Union?". To answer this question we should know Europe's mission .

  • Provide peace,prosperity and stability for its people
  • overcome the division in the continent
  • ensure that its people can live in safety
  • promote balanced economic and social development
  • meet the challenges of globalisation and preserve the diversity of the people of Europe.
  • uphold the values that Europeans share, such as sustainable development and a sound environment, respect for human rights and the social market economy.

Lesson one has many advantages for European people,however some people in rich European countries claim that the EU policy is better for the poor countries and they have to pay for these countries to survive their economy in EU. There are many pros and cons for the European country, but i think one strong economy without threat is better for everyone in this continent.

Ref.:Fontaine, P. (2006) Europe in 12 Lesson, Brussels: European commission

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