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Saeed and I

Siamak Esfehanian - Saeed Seyedan
2003- Kish,Iran
It is a tough job to translate from my language,Persian and particularly my poems to English due to language barriers. But i do my best to translate my poems as soon as possible, i don't know when because i am really busy these days with last assignment and oh nooooooooooo my dissertation. if you know Persian and have free time i would be more than happy to publish your translations . i know sometime transfer the feeling is impossible but i will do my best to translate them to English after my trip to means next week.

Anyway as you can see in the picture,My Friend,Saeed and I went to Kish Island,south of IRAN, some where near Dubai many years ago (winter 2003).These days, Saeed is reviewing his memos in his weblog with some pictures. He is going to Canad next month to start a new life to experience a new life style. We started our textile engineering in same time and now we are doing MBA . I am % 100 sure he will be a successful manager in near future and i will write his successes in my blog.

wish you the best Saeed in your new life.


massa said...

when will you go to france?i mean which date? ;)

massa said...

and I wish you every happiness :)